Jim Talley
Mr. Jim Talley taught history at Lake Stevens High School for twenty years, from 1992 to 2012. To say that during those years Mr. Talley inspired thousand, that he gave to the students, staff and residents of Lake Stevens the gift of his love or art, architecture, history and learning year after year, that his wit, his wisdom, his empathy were examples to all who knew him, that he was the best-loved, most admired, and most influential teacher and friend many of his students and colleagues have ever known, is to underestimate the power of his humble personality and his dedication to his profession, his community and his students.
Jim Talley’s involvement in and commitment to LSHS were complete and comprehensive. He founded our yearly fun run, he initiated the Jolene de Rosier scholarship for students who overcome tough situations, he volunteered his time to teach and unfunded AP Art History course, and he served as National Honor Society Advisor. When not in his classroom, we found him in the gym, or on the practice field, or on the cross country courses supporting student athletes and assisting coaching staffs. Scratch the surface of a Lake grade, and you will often find Mr. Talley’s influence; may his example ever guide us, and may his spirit ever walk our halls. Jim Talley’s life was this school – twenty years wasn’t nearly enough.